Field trips without obvious academic content can be hard to sell to administrators focused on test scores. To obtain approval, most teachers try to justify field trips by citing standards and curriculum goals. Nevertheless, the trips often get tacked onto the back end of the school year, the assumption being that they are unlikely to directly support the reading and math skills that show up on yearly standardized achievement tests.
Field trips can be fun and educational when they are well executed .
The acquisition of lasting concepts and change in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experiences. Field trips are opportunities for reach and memorable experiences which are fundamental to learning that lasts.
>The acquisition of lasting concepts and changes in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experience. Field trips are opportunities for rich and memorable experience which are fundamental to learning the last.
>The real world connection is more work but the benefits of broadening teaching beyond textbooks far outweigh the little bit of time it takes from a teacher's schedule.
> The field trip can nurture curiosity: build a zest for new experience and a sense of wonder".
The acquisition of lasting concepts and change in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experiences. Field trips are opportunities for reach and memorable experiences which are fundamental to learning that lasts.
Field trips bring us to the world beyond the classroom. The real-world connection is more work but the benefits of broadening teaching beyond textbooks far outweigh the little bit of time it takes from a teacher’s schedule.
Field trips have a wide range of application. It is not meant only for children, it is for adults also. It is not only meant for the social science subjects, it is for all other subjects as well.
out a lot of realizations which may lead to changes in attitudes and
insights. The field trip “can nurture curiosity; build a zest for new
experience, and a sense of wonder.”